Groom Aviation offers a variety of services to help align aviation businesses onto the course to success.
Strategic Planning
General aviation is a very unforgiving industry when it comes to a poor business or product plan. Sometimes tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars are wasted by companies that failed when trying to implement a strategy that was fundamentally flawed from the outset. Groom Aviation has real world experience developing and executing well-known and winning strategies.
Integral to this is leveraging knowledge of how general aviation customers think and in developing strategies centered on their motivations. Equally important, are careful observations about some of the more notable industry failures over the past 30 years. The lessons learned from these failures are invaluable in minimizing risk and maximizing potential returns. The bottom line is that Groom Aviation can help your team develop a customer focused business or product plan so as to dramatically increase your probability of success.
Acquistions & Divesture Support
Groom Aviation has specialists who can lead you through the opportunities and pitfalls of acquisition and divestiture transactions. Use this experience to insure you get the most value on either the buy or the sell side of the transaction.
On the sell side we can work with you to write an offering memorandum which will highlight the benefits of your business, screen prospective buyers, and manage the due diligence process.
On the buy side we can support your due diligence efforts and provide recommendations on the appropriate price. Groom Aviation experts have been involved in dozens of acquisition and divestiture transactions.
Distribution Programs
General aviation is not a “one size fits all” business when it comes to picking the best sales, marketing, and distribution strategy. The specific circumstances of your business and your marketplace need to be considered in putting together the best plan.
Groom Aviation has significant experience in developing and executing top performing direct sales programs as well as award winning dealer/distributor type programs.
Aftermarket & Customer Support
The aftermarket business is vital strategically to all general aviation businesses. It can be a tremendous and recession resistant profit center and is a critical function to assure continued customer satisfaction and future loyalty.
Today, customers expect and deserve to be treated like royalty during their service experience. Every cog in the aftermarket chain needs to be analyzed to assure that processes are efficient and customer focused. Parts distribution logistics are also critical to assure timely shipments and proper inventory management.
Groom Aviation has extensive experience in all of these aftermarket areas and has managed these functions both as a manufacturer as well as a dealer/service center.
Marketing & Communications
Groom Aviation has decades of experience developing solid marketing strategies to maximize exposure while assuring the highest returns for the dollars invested.
With in-house design, photography, copy-writing, and print-management Groom Aviation offers ad agency capabilities at a fraction of the cost.
Common services:
Corporate / Product Branding
Ad / Collateral Design
Technical Marketing Reports
Website Design / Management
Media Buying
Strategic Plan / Budget Development
Event Planning
Learn more about our Marketing Services
Service Center & FBO Operations
Groom Aviation will work with you to insure that you are getting maximum profitability out of your FBO or service center operation. We will perform an assessment of the operational and administrative control and process areas for your business. From this work, we will highlight how you can improve and become more profitable in these areas. We can further work with you to help implement modifications to your processes that will provide on-going improvements to your bottom line.
Groom Aviation can also help you grow your top line through refinement of your sales strategy, product offerings, and targeted marketing programs.